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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

5 replies
31.08.2021, 15:27
Auto dialing clients
Good afternoon. Tell me if it is possible to use the onebox system in conjunction with binotel to automatically call customers using a recorded con...
2 answer
29.08.2021, 13:22
Audio files of conversations
Good afternoon. 1. Are the audio files of conversations from Binotel being recorded in CRM now? 2. If so, can they be removed?
3 answer
26.08.2021, 14:57
OS. No popup on calls
Here is the manager http://crm.osd.ua/app/contact/4306/ the ringostat login baldinelliua_151 is tied to it In the previous version, the pop-up wind...
5 replies
Problems with call forwarding in telephony
We have configured integration with Nextell telephony and recently, from about 1 week to 1 month, there was a bug with calls. For example, when cal...
10 replies
Calls and audio dialogues from Kyivstar telephony are displayed every other time
Hello Connected the number to the FMC service via Kyivstar telephony. I connected and configured the token, and the call dialogs are displayed very...
4 answer
04.08.2021, 12:03
OS. From the pop-up call window "create process" - nothing happens
Hello! Actions "add call\sale\task" are configured from the pop-up call window. When you try to create a process - throws on the desktop ...
14 replies
04.08.2021, 11:49
Assigning a client to a certain Ringostat manager
Help set up pinning a contact. For example, at the first call, the client gets to the sales managers. When calling again, the client is assigned to...
4 answer
03.08.2021, 17:14
Uploading events to OneBox
When loading events into the system, they get confused who called and who called Tried to change from-to did not help http://crm.enzim.biz/admin/sh...
8 replies
25.07.2021, 07:12
Calls from Kyivstar
Hello! No display of calls from Kyivstar. They are displayed in events, but they are not visible in the Kyivstar section https://technosite.crm-one...
outgoing calls
Good afternoon. Outgoing calls do not work in box: https://supermike1986.crm-onebox.com. Writes an integration error. Incoming while working. Also,...