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1 answer
22.08.2022, 15:16
CRM for production
You can install OneBox using the link https://crm-onebox.com/ru/?ref=21 System configuration for production based on #Onebox OS With the help of th...
CRM for industrial enterprise
We, OneBox Corp, will help you implement the OneBox system. Our task is to provide you with the most effective solution that will allow you to mana...
CRM for garment production
We, OneBox Corp, will help you implement the OneBox system. Our task is to provide you with the most effective solution that will allow you to mana...
0 replies
30.08.2022, 18:14
OneBox OS:Industry CRM-ERP system configuration for large and medium-sized industrial enterprises.
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Industry system for large and medium-sized indust...
0 replies
30.08.2022, 15:06
OneBox OS configuration: Sewing manufacture for high and medium sewing workshops
The Astelit Group company promotes the configuration of the CRM-ERP system OneBOX OS: Sewing manufacture for high and medium sewing factories. The ...
1 answer
22.08.2022, 16:10
CRM for the production and sale of sports equipment
You can install OneBox using the link https://crm-onebox.com/ru/?ref=21 CRM for the production and sale of sports equipment from SheBo This applica...
1 answer
22.08.2022, 15:26
CRM for a company producing and selling pet products
The application allows you to automate processes that are used every day in companies that manufacture and sell pet products. What is implemented i...
CRM for an industrial enterprise
We at OneBox Corp will help you implement the OneBox system. Our task is to provide you with the most effective solution that will allow you to man...
CRM for garment production
We at OneBox Corp will help you implement the OneBox system. Our task is to provide you with the most effective solution that will allow you to man...
Interested in vertical CRM solutions for an industrial enterprise
Interested in vertical CRM solutions for an industrial enterprise Who can describe these areas of work?