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Component «Currencies»

from OneBox #

How it works «Currencies» #

It allows to work with required currencies and edit, update and add them later. Popular currencies are available by default - you can create an unlimited number of currencies, which can be converted to the main one, if required. You can update the exchange rate on demand or by initial setting by days of the week. You can also review the currency rate change history in a drop-down window. If you don't use the currency, you can delete it.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Currencies» #

Available Platforms «Currencies» #

Application Currencies available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Currencies available on my server
Available on my server
Application Currencies customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Currencies» forum #

2 answer
14.05.2024, 12:03
It is necessary to change the base currency of the system to USD
Good day. Please change the base currency of the https://muk-training.1b.app system to USD Thanks in advance!
1 answer
Change the base currency on the system
I ask you to change the base currency to UAH on the system https://avanticosmetics.1b.app/
3 answer
Personal license
17.01.2024, 17:02
You need to change the main currency of the box to the dollar.
Please change the main currency of the box https://ect.1b.app/desktop/ to dollar.
3 answer
20.09.2023, 00:04
Editing Currency
Guys, I have a question. The point is that I added automation to the products. Calculate the value using the formula and write it in the specified ...
3 answer
Glitch - After changing to a higher currency, it can change itself to a smaller one within a day
During this week, the exchange rate of the dollar was changed several times, increasing it. As the day went by, we opened this page and it turned o...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.08.2023, 11:21
Change the main currency from hryvnia to zloty
Here in this project https://iivancom.1b.app/32/ Please change the main currency.
2 answer
20.07.2023, 10:38
Change of base currency
Hello! Boxing - integrade.1b.app. I ask you to change the base currency to KZT (tenge) and change the time zone to +6 Almaty. Thanks in advance!
2 answer
18.07.2023, 12:50
change default currency
Hello! Boxing - massagan.1b.app. Please change the time zone to +6 Almaty and set the default currency to KZT (Tenge).
4 answer
20.06.2023, 10:57
Auto-update of exchange rates
Good day Please let me know how the auto-update of courses works now From which platforms can the course be taken automatically? And what currencie...
1 answer
02.05.2023, 11:06
The list of course update days does not change
It is not possible to edit the list of days for updating the exchange rate, if all days were previously set.