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List of related questions and answers «Business Processes and Automation»

The universal block for settings does not open
Good day! BP interface https://pl-tyres.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/247/interface/ I click https://prnt.sc/k3MiE3ruZTtr and nothing happens ca...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2024, 13:15
when viewing the expected number of products - the modal window opens several times
Please fix the bug when viewing the expected number of products - the modalka opens several times. the modal window no longer opens again this is a...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2024, 12:22
modification of procedure tips
please rate the work it is necessary to make it so that when the mouse cursor is placed on the button for calling the procedure, the following is...
Error 500 during actions
Since yesterday (04/08/2024), employees cannot move around warehouses and click procedures, write comments in processes says "an unexpected error ...
1 answer
"Show interactive window" action does not work
Doesn't work for everyone, or just me? All required fields are filled, but the action does not work
1 answer
03.04.2024, 19:14
Sum of two fields
And if you need to perform a function. Let's say there are two additional fields for the digital process. And in the third field of the process you...
0 replies
02.04.2024, 20:02
Correct addition of goods to the order during import
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/automatization/minute/edit/ Automation once a minute - Integration of XML/JSON business processes (Import) Return ...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.03.2024, 09:09
DOESN'T WORK action: Get a list of process client bonuses from Opencart
An action was developed on this topic: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/18271-otsiniti-rozrobiti...
8 replies
Personal license
25.03.2024, 12:54
Procedures are not started when there is a change in the process
Configured a procedure with automations when saving the process, the procedure should be run "On any change in the process" - https://i.imgur.com/X...
1 answer
13.03.2024, 08:52
Error 500 when confirming orders
https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/2500875/ An example of a process