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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

3 answer
29.09.2021, 16:18
I can't change the interface of "Call Popups"
Good afternoon! I can't change the interface of Call Popups. There is no button to add a block to the interface, and if you click on the block ...
4 answer
27.09.2021, 13:21
Where can I get OneBox token for Kyivstar in the OS version?
The instructions indicate that I must register the Box token on the Kyivstar website. Where in the old version it is, I know. And in the new one, i...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
24.09.2021, 14:11
Error 403 when trying to call from Box
Hello! Box https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/ when trying to call from Box to phone the client gives a 403 error. When checking the token, it gives...
Call events are not being pulled correctly
Before moving the system to a new server, it worked as follows: Outgoing calls from the employee who makes the call (internal number) are recorded ...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 15:43
Can't listen to phone call
There was already a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/telephony/10641-net-vozmozhnosti-proslushat-za... I clarified with the client t...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 10:05
Can't listen to call recording
There is an event http://crm.enzim.biz/admin/shop/event/51760/ in it there is a call recording, but the opportunities cannot be listened to. What i...
1 answer
06.09.2021, 11:57
OneBoxOS. The process from the pop-up window is not created.
In the settings of the pop-up window there is such a block (Fig. 1) The process from the pop-up window is not created, but jumps to the preliminar...
2 answer
06.09.2021, 11:52
OneBoxOS. The save button is selected sometimes as a string
In the ringostat, when trying to make a call, the "make a call" button is sometimes not pressed, but falls through and becomes like a str...
16 replies
04.09.2021, 13:28
OS - Integration not working
I connected the MyCalls service for a trial period, but the integration does not work, calls are not transferred to Box. Tell me, where is the prob...
5 replies
Configuring click2call
Connected telephony Kyivstar- https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/app/kyievstar/ The token is correct. There are events. But I can't make a call via cli...