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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

13 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
14.11.2023, 18:12
finalization of integration. recorded in additional event fields
Project https://jaluzi-service.1b.app In the integration settings with Binotel telephony, please https://i.imgur.com/Ln1dNyM.png 1. add the ability...
0 replies
Problems with Zadarma telephony integration
Call forwarding to managers' internal numbers does not work, incoming calls do not go to the specified numbers, but to all phones at once. Telephon...
0 replies
18.10.2023, 16:20
The Forward call to client manager function does not work
The Redirect call to client manager function does not work, the call goes to all managers
3 answer
20.09.2023, 17:46
The conversation recording does not appear in OneBox
We recently connected telephony from Binotel, we are still setting it up, perhaps we are missing something in the settings / nuances. Please tell m...
0 replies
Personal license
14.08.2023, 14:40
No internal employee number in event
Good afternoon On the portal https://vnzr.1b.app/app/event/ Calls come to events with phone numbers on both sides, and it is not clear which of the...
1 answer
Personal license
07.08.2023, 14:35
Outgoing not working
Integration works calls come to CRM, https://prnt.sc/bOLTd5ivjr4m and it is possible to call only directly from Binotel, but from CRM it gives an ...
3 answer
Personal license
31.07.2023, 14:03
Automation does not pick up calls in events
Good afternoon, Ringostat integration is set up. Ringostat has calls, https://prnt.sc/rddmal3-5f8L But events do not come https://prnt.sc/iNm1xzZKf...
2 answer
31.07.2023, 11:54
The call does not start when clicking on the phone number
Binotel is connected to us, shows calls in events, shows a pop-up window with the client's data during a call. But when you click on the phone numb...
2 answer
Personal license
07.06.2023, 17:50
Setting up the telephony pop-up window
After switching to the OneBox OS version, there was a question about working with Telephony Pop-ups, with the "Last 3 client processes" block https...
4 answer
03.06.2023, 11:20
Work with the process (Ice)
The essence of the task: The client previously worked at Bitrix24 and his managers were used to working DURING the conversation with the client wit...