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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

7 replies
Personal license
28.09.2022, 14:51
How to direct incoming calls to the person in charge
Ringo claims that boxing does not give responsibility for the client, how to make it so that when the client calls, the call goes to his manager?
7 replies
22.09.2022, 15:38
Binotel and vanbox user integration
How can I add this integration for a new user? the main task is that by clicking on the phone number, this phone is transferred to the softphone, a...
1 answer
16.09.2022, 16:06
Integration stopped working
Tell me why the integration suddenly stopped working? Instead of the number they are calling, there is an empty cell.
2 answer
Papidu Digital Agency
06.09.2022, 13:37
Authorization error in Phonet integration
Good day. I encountered a problem when setting up the integration of the box and Phonet telephony. The problem is as follows, when the integration ...
1 answer
02.09.2022, 12:14
Selecting multiple roles in Call Forwarding
Need setup here https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/report/callrouting/57/ To be able to select multiple roles. And in order for this to work with...
7 replies
31.08.2022, 16:52
Weekend calls are not accepted Binotel
May 2 problems: 1. When pressing on a number for a call, the incoming call is started, not the outgoing one (!). After the call is attached, a pard...
4 answer
Papidu Digital Agency
31.08.2022, 13:03
“Password in md5 format” is the hash for the API
Hello! To integrate with phonet, you need a hash password, where can I get it?
9 replies
31.08.2022, 10:06
Pardon Binotel API
When pressing on the phone number, a pardon is issued, tied to the API. In the integration, the key and the password are correct. The caller may ha...
10 replies
Personal license
08.08.2022, 11:01
No calling manager in events
Good afternoon, We make calls to customers and the event does not record which manager called In the ringo magazine, the manager's login is in...
17 replies
Personal license
03.08.2022, 18:11
Where can I find a description of the integration? how to make infa come from the service to the box?
Outgoing calls work, it starts dialing on the mobile, but how can the Service understand my calls where to send calls? where is the link descriptio...