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“Password in md5 format” is the hash for the API


Дворак Микола
Papidu Digital Agency
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I have already found the REST API password, but in the phonet there is still an error "Not authorized. Check the connector settings"
31.08.2022, 13:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Maybe you put in the wrong url or something. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to help you, because you gave about 0 information, I don’t even understand which box you are setting up and what you press where in the lx of the phonet ..
31.08.2022, 13:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Box https://viza1.1b.app/. The procedure was as follows
1) One Box integration was added in the phonet’s office; there you need to enter the domain, login and password hash for api, registered (I attach the screen), authorization does not pass, they wrote to the phonet, they said on the box side, in the phonet application enter api and domain (but since I thought that the api would appear after connecting the integration, I didn’t know where to get the api, they said that the api can be taken in the menu item "connecting another system crm, took it, added it on the box side + a link to the phonet domain, but this didn't help either (screenshot attached)
01.09.2022, 14:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Дворак Микола
Papidu Digital Agency
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
Box https://viza1.1b.app/. The procedure was as follows
1) One Box integration was added in the phonet’s office; there you need to enter the domain, login and password hash for api, registered (I attach the screen), authorization does not pass, they wrote to the phonet, they said on the box side, in the phonet application enter api and domain (but since I thought that the api would appear after connecting the integration, I didn’t know where to get the api, they said that the api can be taken in the menu item "connecting another system crm, took it, added it on the box side + a link to the phonet domain, but this didn't help either (screenshot attached)
02.09.2022, 11:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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