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Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Telephony window
Good day. Telephony pop-up window with customer details no longer appears during calls.
9 replies
11.07.2023, 16:28
The box does not work - 500 error
The box does not work - 500 error - panel.babitskyi.com - I believe that the company has turned off my system and now imposes the purchase of new s...
1 answer
27.01.2023, 11:42
Official explanation about VAT in Ukraine
Dear users and partners from Ukraine! On January 1, 2023, a special exemption for the abolition of VAT for IT companies operating in the domestic m...
Official: End of support for OneBox MVP and early builds
Dear customers! We officially announce that starting January 1, 2023, OneBox MVP and older versions will no longer be supported. What does this mea...
1 answer
08.12.2021, 17:15
/api/contact-add/json/ - what does the user's company mean?
began to blunt crm, all tasks open for a long time, are saved
From 09/01/2021, CRM began to terribly blunt in all browsers on Windows and mobile phones, it takes a long time to open, all tasks are saved from 7...
8 replies
18.07.2021, 17:53
OS: The block "Structure of the client's holding company" is no longer displayed correctly
Compared to MVP, the OS started displaying the "Structure of the client's holding company" block in a completely different way. Now i...
18 replies
05.07.2021, 12:15
Removed all forum restrictions for OneBox OS
Dear clients and partners! I am pleased to announce that the forum https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/ has temporarily removed all restrictions on q...
41 answer
25.03.2021, 11:11
Official clarification for customers about boxed versions, updates and OneBox OS
Dear Clients! Good news, in short: boxes will continue to be sold, and OneBox OS will be available to everyone. I decided to write this post to cla...
27 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
18.03.2021, 10:39
Blocking (restriction) on the forum objectionable (unprofitable) users (the purpose of creating a forum)
I was restricted on the forum without trial or investigation The essence of the restrictions is 1 task per day and 2 comments per day Some answers ...

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