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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
11.10.2021, 10:36
Bug in the integration of the card to the contact, the field is not loaded
Good afternoon. Interface https://dorechi.crm-onebox.com/app/contact/usergroups/setting/0/interface/ , universal block, when asking for a field, op...
2015859193 - Improved integration with UkrPoshta.
Added setting "Use client's full name from process to create TTN" for integration with UkrPoshta.
2015858328 - Improved product access rights
Added the setting "Allow to see the Copy full product button" to product access rights
2015860281 - The functionality of the "Process structure" block has been improved
For the "Process structure" process interface block, the following has been improved: - the ability to minimize parent processes; - the a...
box not working
The grudnichok.com.ua box does not work for me. I can't enter the admin panel, on the site I can only go to the main page and category pages. W...
9 replies
Inscription. "sales" in the fiscal receipt
- an additional inscription appeared in the check. "sales" you can find out how it is set and why is it needed?
1 answer
09.10.2021, 14:16
OS - Enhancement - "Change process name" action
Now, thanks to this action, you can make the name capacious and functional by collecting it from different fields. But because of this, it is not t...
2 answer
09.10.2021, 14:04
OS: Access rights in the context of Payments and cash desk do not work correctly
Guys, the access rights in the "Payments and Cashier" application do not work correctly, or I misunderstood something. Right now, the fol...
2 answer
09.10.2021, 13:26
OS - Improvement - Tabs
In view of the fact that there are now TABs, there are much more jumps through the interface, and, accordingly, it takes a little more time to swit...
4 answer
09.10.2021, 13:16
OS - Process Structure
The only block that can reflect a complex structure right in the process, but it is very lacking in functionality: 1. Select fields to display. 2....