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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

1 answer
20.07.2023, 11:10
Products are not created in the CPM, which were previously created in the site admin panel
Previously, we synchronized products that were created in the site admin panel, but now the sync is gone. According to the logs, he went to CRM on ...
Incorrect barcode formation in EAN-13 format
Product example https://box1.luxshina.ua/app/product/267932/edit/ It was automatically assigned the 11-character barcode 00002679327 upon creation....
3 answer
Personal license
13.07.2023, 17:07
Additional fields of the process product are not displayed in the product search block
After transferring the box from mvp to Os, when adding a product from the product search block, add. size and color of product fields for analogs o...
6 replies
Personal license
11.07.2023, 10:36
Error adding new categories to the system
noticed the following situation in the system: When creating a category, the system automatically fills the External ID field with the value of the...
6 replies
07.07.2023, 16:00
Product code
Good day. There are 2 systems https://box1.luxshina.ua and https://luxshina.ua, product exchange is configured between them, is it possible to se...
9 replies
06.07.2023, 15:18
Product export does not work and import reports are not received
Good day! Product export does not work. Hanging from 03.07 "inprocess" Now I tried to download it again - the same situation. There is also a quest...
4 answer
Personal license
06.07.2023, 14:15
An error occurred when adding a block to the product interface
When trying to add "Print barcode button" https://i.imgur.com/RL21OwA.png to the product card interface, the interface settings page "breaks" https...
3 answer
06.07.2023, 12:27
Error, when downloading the "Products" application, I get a 500 error
Congratulations I am testing the integration with Wordpress, after setting up the export of products to the site (all actions with test products), ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
06.07.2023, 09:12
Send to show product processes stopped working today
Good day, 1. We find products that interest us 2. Click the Send button and select Show all processes 3. We receive an error that was not there ...
11 replies
Personal license
05.07.2023, 18:10
Refinement of the product price calculation functionality
We have the following processes in our system: - List of supplier positions - List of client positions - Customer order 1. In the List of p...