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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

0 replies
18.08.2023, 17:50
Update the appearance of product images
Good day! Yesterday there were changes to the images, they became larger in size. Today they returned to their usual size. Please revert this updat...
4 answer
17.08.2023, 17:09
The regular expression for checking the number of characters does not work correctly.
Good day! Product example https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/3668/edit/?tabid=2 And the interface field looks like on screen 1 I...
15 replies
17.08.2023, 09:28
Product display problem
Good afternoon Something happened with the display of products. First, the picture has changed in the products, and now in the order. If in prod...
2 answer
Product export does not work
Product export does not work. I am downloading 47 products, changed the e-mail to which to download the file, checked the Spam folder and all other...
Complete sets
Tell me how to implement a set, for example, I have a product that consists of several products that are in stock, and how to implement a product a...
3 answer
04.08.2023, 15:51
Default filter for product categories
Good day! Tell me, is it possible to configure the filters so that when creating a new product card, filters are immediately created that need to b...
3 answer
03.08.2023, 11:23
Gray background on product image
Good day. Yesterday, the interface was updated and there was a cool possibility to view and add photos to the list of products. But in the photo, t...
3 answer
Personal license
02.08.2023, 11:45
Configure related filters
It is necessary to configure the filter depending on another filter, so that when selecting the value of filter 1, in filter 2 it is possible to se...
1 answer
Personal license
02.08.2023, 11:44
Question about choosing filter values
A filter with the type "drop-down list https://i.imgur.com/OGdE3eQ.png with the specified values ​​https://i.imgur.com/dd8NOmh.png has been created...
4 answer
01.08.2023, 23:59
Refinement on the product filter: Reference field for filtering records by the desired value
Guys, you can calculate the refinement by filters: now it is possible to filter records by filter name (see the field "Reference field for filterin...