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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

1 answer
15.09.2023, 18:16
Identifiers of system fields
Good day. Please tell me the identifier of the system field under the value "РРЦ" in OneBox in the product (goods) card? It would be good to find o...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.09.2023, 12:10
Error - data is not stored in the additional fields of the product card
We created three fields HERE https://invafishki.1b.app/app/product/productfield/?filtername=code&ok=Filte... all with type String Fill in the v...
BUG_Product export_dump not found
Good afternoon The user https://inclothes.1b.app/app/contact/11413/ is trying to download the entire product database https://inclothes.1b.app/app/...
dubbing of goods
please delete the deleted products (a lot of dubbing products) thank you
11 replies
06.09.2023, 21:18
Customization of the product field
Congratulations! Is it possible to configure the main product field "Divisible" (product.product_divisibility) so that the quantity is a numeri...
export products_dump not found
The user https://inclothes.1b.app/app/contact/11413/ is trying to download the entire product database https://inclothes.1b.app/app/product/ when s...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.09.2023, 09:11
When trying to edit any passport, it gives a 500 error
Box gives an error, as if we are in the box and does not give the opportunity to edit any passport Example: https://balistyka.1b.app/app/passports...
0 replies
04.09.2023, 13:48
Incorrectly imported article from Opencart
There are leading zeros in the article number. The article is imported into the box without zeros. Please correct, because the article can be not...
5 replies
29.08.2023, 16:13
Why does the system, when copying a product, copy the creation date and ignore (overwrite) the creation action
It turns out that there are the following features of the system: 1. When copying a product, the system copies the data from the "Creation date" (c...
10 replies
No ability to export filter name (UA)
I provide a screenshot. I can export the filter in one language, and the value in two languages. Previously, it was possible to export both the nam...