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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

4 answer
12.06.2024, 22:40
Removing data from XML
Products enter our system through an XML partner. If a partner removes their product from their XML, why is this product not removed in our databas...
Product sets
Is it possible to make the availability of the kit directly dependent on the availability of the components? You are without Production. For exampl...
part of the product names has disappeared
It is not the first time that part of the product names has disappeared, nothing has changed in the automations, please let me know what is the mat...
2 answer
15.05.2024, 14:04
How to pass a product when an event is executed
When creating a product, updating or updating stock balances, you need to send this information to the url address. How is this possible?
2 answer
06.05.2024, 10:33
When deleting products from one category, all are deleted
Hello. In the category https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/?categoryid=36173 I select all products and click delete. But for some reason ...
6 replies
19.04.2024, 12:11
When saving the product card, the Link to the manufacturer’s website field is cleared
The field is locked. When you save the card, the siteurl field is cleared. I tried disabling all product automations. The same.
How is the product variable {|$basketsArray|} used? I need the product name and quantity to be sent to the client in an e-mail, but this variable d...
Product names have disappeared
It's been more than a week since the names of the products have disappeared, it's hard to work in such conditions, please respond!
Removal of product analogues by importing from an xls file
Is it somehow possible to remove all analogues from products by importing from an xls file? By analogy, we do it for fields and filters.
4 answer
How to set the price for the service, if it is a percentage of the total cost of materials?
Tell me how to set the price of the service, which should be deducted from the total cost of materials and equipment in the estimate in each proces...