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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

4 answer
06.06.2022, 14:23
Products - Hidden group
Tell me how to hide an already hidden category in the filters?
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.06.2022, 11:25
Not spracial mass editing of products
Putting a filter on products https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/app/product/?filtergroupped=%D0%91%D0%BB%D0%... %D1%82%D...
1 answer
04.06.2022, 14:00
Products - Product list bug - Doesn't display dropdown list
Noticed that the list does not allow you to select from the drop-down list. The list is empty. Can you fix this?
9 replies
03.06.2022, 16:28
Remove the "available in filters" function in the product card
Hello. How to remove "available in filters, characteristics in the table and markup" from all products, otherwise it was put down during ...
14 replies
31.05.2022, 20:42
The part of the name is erased after the quotation marks "
Once again I notice that after making certain changes on the page, part of the name disappears. You can check on this product. https://etg.crm-oneb...
1 answer
31.05.2022, 19:17
Question - Additional field, category
What is the "category" parameter used for in the additional product fields?
14 replies
31.05.2022, 19:07
OS - Duplicate path in title
Why is the path in the title duplicated? You can turn it off or reduce it, otherwise the porridge is obtained from words.
Filter for products without photos - can I modify it?
We have a list of products that do not have a photo You need to quickly find all products without photos with a filter How can this be done? Now we...
The name of the product is frayed due to the symbol
Here is the item https://smartkids.crm-onebox.com/app/product/479157/edit/ The name is correct City sports bike CORSO "HIGH RACE PRO" 23...
3 answer
25.05.2022, 14:47
Functionality of the process products tab in OS
In the old version of boxing, processes had a "Products" tab. It was convenient to see the balance in warehouses, select a warehouse for...