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Application Questions and Answers «LiqPay»

1 answer
08.11.2023, 12:56
Give an answer - Error 500 when going to LiqPay integration settings
https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-banks-and-payment-systems/17894-500-os... Integration ht...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
11.01.2023, 11:34
Receiving payments with Liqpay
Good afternoon! Payments do not enter the likpay when generating a link from the process. The external payment id is specified. The payment flies i...
8 replies
19.01.2022, 14:08
Completion calculation: Translate the process into a stage depending on the LiqPay payment status
Guys, I ask you to calculate the revision for LiqPay, namely: you need an action at the stages with which you can transfer the process to the desir...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
10.01.2022, 11:17
LiqPay payment not confirmed
Good afternoon, LiqPay payments have ceased to be confirmed today. An example of the process where you need to confirm the payment: https://owwa.cr...
1 answer
LiqPay payment binding automation
There was a problem with the automatic binding of the LiqPay payment. I have already set up automatic binding of PrivatBank payments, in automatic ...
7 replies
Invoicing LIQPAY
Good afternoon! The Liqpay system works only in the context of OneBox itself, that is, to receive payments when you have your own store. Tell me, i...
2 answer
29.03.2021, 22:07
Linking payment to the process (Privat24 Autoclient)
This type of comment: "LIQPAY ID 6547678445 SOID 93304 PBK i612312343..." Zovnishniy id zamovlennia tse "SOID 93304" How to pay...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.03.2021, 13:35
Why payments with liqpay are not created when paying online
I make a payment using the link https://integrator.com.ua/payment/liqpay/2/?paySum=1&orderid=1137 , After payment, I was redirected to the succ...
17 replies
05.02.2021, 10:06
Hello, please tell me what exactly is meant by the ID for writing to this field is the bank account number or some other ID and what else do you n...
LiqPay payment goes to the wrong account
Good afternoon. We have implemented integration with cms Horoshop and the LiqPay payment system is installed on our website. When an order from the...