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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.03.2023, 22:11
We import into xml, gives an error: Specification mandates value for attribute ID
We use the one-hour automatic action: Integration of XML products (Export) here ukrpromspec,com,ua A link to the file is created: https://ukrpro...
4 answer
24.02.2023, 15:05
How to import "Crushing" for a product?
Is it possible and how to import "Crushing" for the product?
9 replies
16.02.2023, 11:16
"Import export products" does not work
Guys, the export of products has not been working for several days. I did the export, and I see that it is completed, but the letter never arrived ...
2 answer
06.02.2023, 13:13
Google Sheets
How is it possible to import the "Fraction (a number that can be a multiple of the product quantity)" field for a product through the imp...
2 answer
30.01.2023, 16:49
Creates a corrupted file when exporting products.
http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ We take products created recently. http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/?filtercdatefrom=2022-10-01+00%3A00 We ...
2 answer
28.01.2023, 18:06
Expand fields
Hello, when importing goods, the margins are very narrow, please expand. Thanks
1 answer
25.01.2023, 16:41
Refinement of the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"
Good day! The automatic action Integration of XML goods (Export) needs to be refined. 1. Add the ability to select files before uploading. (As, for...
2 answer
23.01.2023, 15:13
Export of goods from the database
How can I export products from the database so that the resulting file contains the url of the photo?
2 answer
07.12.2022, 23:42
inprocess on import
Only 400 lines in the file.
1 answer
15.11.2022, 09:59
does not update product data (supplier code)
Here is the import https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Here is the product https://sara.1box.link/app/product/13809/edit/?tabid=0...