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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

2 answer
01.11.2022, 14:33
How to import product filter via "CSV product integration"?
Colleagues, I'm using the "Integrate CSV Products" action on the hourly crown. Can you tell me how to correctly write down the necess...
1 answer
24.10.2022, 13:33
The import of products has been suspended
https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/exchange-product/ how to fix?
4 answer
20.10.2022, 23:21
Export broken xls and xls files
When opening an export file in Excel, an error appears when trying to restore the file opens, but not all products are
2 answer
Does not send export to e-mail
My own question: I send the products from the application, the selected items to "Import/export products", select a template, specify the...
The file with the export and import of goods does not come to the mail (after the update)
The file with the export and import of goods does not come to the mail (after the update). Tried to specify another mail. Does not help. It always ...
Template settings are lost and not saved
When exporting an excel file and choosing the desired template in the fine settings, each time you have to refill the columns on top. This setting ...
Product images are not loaded with "Universal xml product import"
Good afternoon. Previously, "Universal import of xml products" was configured. I am uploading a file from an external source. Image, desc...
1 answer
04.10.2022, 13:43
There is no "minimum product reserve" field for import or export
There is such a field it is standard, used in the production plan report. But this field is not present either in the export or in the import of t...
3 answer
21.09.2022, 16:18
Export/import of goods is not counted
Download files stopped coming to the post office. So by itself, when importing - do not come with the results of uploading. https://strikeshop.com.ua/
2 answer
14.09.2022, 21:19
Unable to select category for export