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Application Questions and Answers «Discounts»

5 replies
07.05.2021, 10:59
Discounts in reports
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ The sales report does not take into account the amount of the discount on the product in the margin. And the w...
3 answer
The error in the Balance by counterparties report has not been corrected.
As far as I understand, you wrote here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/8124-otchet-balans--po-k...
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! Ask a question like this: We have a number of groups where there are default discounts. That is, the client enters the personal acc...
2 answer
16.03.2021, 10:29
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! We have a number of contact groups , all of them mean the size of the discount on the product. We made that the discount depends o...
1 answer
04.02.2021, 09:52
Linking availability to warehouse
Good afternoon! one. We have created products After that, they were credited to the warehouse I go under client access, the filter does not work T...
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount
Pardon with prices in the order The discount is superimposed on the customer's discount Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/type/977151...
3 answer
09.01.2021, 14:02
Setting special prices for customer groups, taking into account the category and brand
Hello! We made such a revision https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/orders/1908-spetsialnie-tseni-dlya-klienta-s-u... 1. I woul...
5 replies
08.01.2021, 16:53
Customer discount within the order
When creating an order from a customer manually, the customer's discount is not added to the tabular section of products. Tell me how to make i...
15 replies
08.01.2021, 13:30
Urgently! The discount is no longer set when adding a product
Ceased to work out the procedure when adding a product to the table. What happened? What has changed? We specifically did a revision 2 years ago. I...
4 answer
25.12.2020, 14:53
Customer discount
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ We have a group "Clients from 7000" (All contacts/Contact groups). It contains the field "Disco...