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Setting special prices for customer groups, taking into account the category and brand

Hello! We made such a revision https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/orders/1908-spetsialnie-tseni-dlya-klienta-s-u...
1. I would like to set special prices, taking into account categories and brands, not only for a specific client, but also for a group. For example, add a block of special prices to the group settings. Is it possible?
2. How to set up the process so that the special price is displayed not as Cost with discount, but as the column Cost without discount, Discount in %, Cost with discount. Customers are used to focusing on the size of the discount as a percentage, so the cost of taking into account the discount without displaying the percentage is confusing. Here is a sample https://prnt.sc/wjo714
Original question is available on version: ru


1. It's possible, but it will make your life harder. Right now, your price can be from 3-4 sources, a group will be added - the user has 5 groups, each with its own specials. prices. You will get confused even after half a year, for example, you will not understand where the specific price has been raised and why. Therefore, it is better to set prices individually.
2. To do this, you will have to rewrite the floor of the pricing service. It seems to me that it will be faster for you if you bring yourself additional. the process product field and procedures will record the discount in it according to the formula: product price from the card / price from the product
11.01.2021, 10:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello Dmitry! Thanks for the answer! The first point is inconvenient, but logical.
The second point is not entirely clear. Does this apply to all types of discounts?
11.01.2021, 11:00
Original comment available on version: ru

Since I have described I think you will be able to make all kinds of discounts that you can give for a product in an order. You will actually compare the price from the standard product card with the price in the order
11.01.2021, 11:13
Original comment available on version: ru

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