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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
14.01.2021, 20:24
Relationship between sales order and vendor order
Is it possible to link a specific supplier order process with a specific customer order so that when the status of the supplier process changes, th...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 20:00
Consultation on displaying the price in the list of goods
When displaying goods as a list, the prices of goods are displayed in the currency that is indicated in the product card https://prnt.sc/wnm2mk Can...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.01.2021, 19:19
Refine hourly actions of Import/Export of product components
Need to modify the action to import together with the product, its components, which we enter on the corresponding tab of the product card. Here is...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 17:57
customer churn forecasting
is it possible to create an algorithm using OneBox tools (for example, based on client activity, frequency of visiting a personal account, viewing ...
4 answer
14.01.2021, 17:45
Disadvantages of working in a multilingual version
When working with content with descriptions and names in two languages, there is an inconvenience, for example, they created the name and descripti...
3 answer
14.01.2021, 17:45
1) What are the buttons for: "suspend", "trained" and "paid in full"? - what happens if I press suspend on the clien...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 17:04
Estimate the price level in the search block
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com There is an action "Apply customer price level to process products" https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin...
2 answer
14.01.2021, 16:27
What payments are pulled out through "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals"
Created a merchant, added an action, everything according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFWfJUE-8HM&ab_channel=OneBoxCRMERP The question i...
Dorobka Useful function for the automatic task "Universal product import (xml/json)"
Dorobka Useful function for the automatic task "Universal product import (xml/json)" In the Automatic division "Universal import of ...
How to robiti shob in the order delivered. podtyaguvsya supplier and client
How to send the order to the supplier podtyaguvsya supplier and client? When an order is completed Automatic actions once per hour "Set the bu...