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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
15.01.2021, 17:38
Change base currency (repeated task)
Good afternoon! I am duplicating an earlier created task, in which none of the technical support answered. https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/financ...
11 replies
15.01.2021, 17:33
the size of the goods in the order with prom
Hello, please tell me how to make it so that in the order from the proma, the size would be tightened
2 answer
Action not saved
Good afternoon! Added the action "Switch the stage after X transitions to the current stage" to the BP. But the settings data is not save...
Do not switch stages in business processes
CRM https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/customorder/order/3373231/edit/ freezes and does not allow you to go to any next step. And it's been like th...
15 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.01.2021, 15:53
Crooked work "import products EXCEL"
Good afternoon, quite often we work with the export and import of goods through EXCEL. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been seeing failures,...
17 replies
WhatsApp integration
We set up the integration, messages from Onebox are sent, but if the client writes to WhatsApp for a valid order, messages are not loaded in CRM. h...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.01.2021, 15:19
Refinement, search by
Good afternoon, we have a posting BP in which we add a file received from suppliers with prices and quantity of goods through the "Product Imp...
2 answer
15.01.2021, 15:11
Comment feed
Good day. In different processes, the block of comments is displayed differently, but the interface is fixed the same. Can you tell me how to enter...
Buying one license
Good afternoon. We are now at "Tariff-5" with 5 licenses. In fact, 5 people work for us, but a couple of times a week an evil accountant ...
7 replies
15.01.2021, 14:34
Call recording PBX Kyivstar
Good afternoon. According to the API from the Kyivstar virtual PBX, the conversation records are dragging on to OneBox already?