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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
18.01.2021, 09:02
Email integration settings
Good afternoon. What does the Create events for all email recipients setting https://prnt.sc/x3t7a0 mean, what does it do? If it is disabled and th...
7 replies
18.01.2021, 08:07
Certificate of safety
CRM - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com On January 17, the security certificate expired. Is it possible to extend it? Because I can't access ...
2015722350 - Improved the functionality of the "Download TTN" action
For the BP action "Download TTN" the setting "Select the type of TTN" has been added, the following options are available for s...
2015724022 - Added settings to the "Products table" block
In the process interface block "Products by table": - for the "Warehouse reserve" field, the setting "display the date of ...
2015724022 - Added settings to the "Products table" block
In the process interface block "Products by table": - for the "Warehouse reserve" field, the setting "display the date of ...
2015719739 - Added a setting to the action "Translate product fields into Ukrainian"
For the "Translate product fields into Ukrainian" action, the "Update product fields according to the change queue" setting has...
2015725833 - The functionality of the action "Create a document based on the merging of the contents of documents" has been improved
For the action "Create a document based on the merging of the contents of documents", the setting "Do not use the empty content of t...
2015710999 - Improved action "Perform procedure"
Added a setting for selecting a business process and procedures for it to the "Perform procedure" action.
2015724410 - Added a variable for the action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field"
In the action "Calculate the value by the formula and write to the specified field" added the variable [availtext] - Text of the availabi...
2015723232 - Improved functionality of integration with Paybox
Improved for integration with Paybox: - the ability to connect the integration several times; - in the "PayBox / Create payment link" act...