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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
16.01.2021, 15:31
Why is cron not running on time?
According to the last launch, the crowns work according to principles that are not very clear, it turns out that once a minute, once an hour - they...
add product
Good afternoon. Is it possible to bulk add products to a process? For example, one category or with the same additional field ...
product search
Hello. For the interface block of the Search for products process, you need to add the setting: Permanently display the checkbox "Show only go...
2 answer
16.01.2021, 14:31
The product card is not saved when automation is enabled for products.
OneBox - campshop.com.ua OneBox - rybalkashop.com.ua Product card is not saved (gives an error) Problem in automation for products in actions whe...
2 answer
16.01.2021, 12:24
Displaying a product in a task
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-v-workote/125514/ed... it says that there are 2 items in the warehouse , ...
1 answer
16.01.2021, 10:19
Certificate of safety
How much will it cost to register an SSL certificate? You also need a CSR certificate. We want 2 domains
1 answer
16.01.2021, 10:13
Mobile app setup
Colleagues, good afternoon! It is necessary to clarify at what stage the mobile application setup for the client is. Last information: the client p...
3 answer
15.01.2021, 18:36
The number of days from the date of posting in the table of balances in warehouses
Good afternoon! Tell me, please, is there such an opportunity to display the column "Number of days on balances" without modifications, t...
12 replies
15.01.2021, 17:59
Multicategory product
Good day! I don’t care about our OneBox Market multi-category. Can you add us?
4 answer
15.01.2021, 17:39
Global search not displaying correctly
Hello! When using a global search, the pop-up with information is often not displayed correctly, namely, the results are not displayed - https://i....