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Application Questions and Answers «»

8 replies
19.01.2021, 11:26
Doesn't go to stage
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zakaz-v-workote/126969/ed... nothing happens when you go to the stage. The task...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.01.2021, 10:59
The task interface is not displayed
Here is an example task https://icolor.in.ua/admin/customorder/issue/4200/edit/ this is how we see the interface display The error showed up insta...
7 replies
19.01.2021, 10:57
Good afternoon ! Please tell me, is it possible to set up automatic redirection when the order goes into the status of Storage 7 Days, for example?...
date schedule
Hello. The Schedule date field behaves strangely, it cannot be updated to an earlier one (not past), it throws an error. At a later time, it is upd...
9 replies
19.01.2021, 10:40
Bonus accrual
Good afternoon! Please tell me, is it possible to charge different % for 1 order to two different people? Those. we need to give the author of the ...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 10:25
Select your server
How to find out? On which server
2 answer
19.01.2021, 10:14
Installing ssl certificate on box
What is CSR and where to get it >
5 replies
19.01.2021, 10:08
The transition to this stage has already been made
Good afternoon. I fill in the process data at the 1st stage. I'm moving on to the second one. There is a check for the fields to be filled in, ...
2 answer
19.01.2021, 09:32
Upgrade to MVP version
Good afternoon. Make an update please. https://box.transmarket.ua/
1 answer
19.01.2021, 09:06
Is it possible to use webhook callbacks for actions like adding an order?