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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
20.01.2021, 08:24
Integration with
Colleagues, good afternoon! It is necessary to set up integration with the "Honest Sign" company. Honest sign - the company is engaged in...
3 answer
20.01.2021, 08:21
close button
When choosing a time/date, we suggest renaming the "close" button to the "OK" button. Because the name "close" itself...
16 replies
20.01.2021, 00:47
Problem with Address field
Hello! When placing an order in your personal account for another client, the delivery address of this client is recorded in the dropshipper card. ...
2015719491 - Improved sending files by the action "Send notifications by email to the contact from the additional field of the process"
For the action "Send notifications by email to a contact from the additional field of the process", the ability to send an email with an ...
2015712233 - Improved functionality of integration with Brain
For the "Import data from the Brain supplier" action, the "Append prefix to the supplier code for the product" setting has been...
2015724396 - Improved the action "Calculate the difference between the dates of the process, taking into account the coefficient and write the process in the additional field"
For the BP action "Calculate the difference in process dates taking into account the coefficient and write the process in the additional field...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 18:50
Create Process Expiration Reminder - Improved
https://prnt.sc/x87ac1 We propose to improve the action so that in the process it is possible to set a value for the notification time XXX - throug...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 18:10
how to recover password from onebox?!
the client does not recover the password ... When I re-register, it shows that the login exists ... when restoring and following the link, it gives...
3 answer
19.01.2021, 17:28
Hidden business processes
hid the business process (deprecated process checkbox). processes have disappeared, but how to see all hidden ones or restore hidden ones? https://...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
19.01.2021, 17:27
refinement of the interactivity of the number of the display mode "Process tree"
It is necessary to improve the mode of displaying processes by the "Process tree" so that when you click on the number of processes, a ne...