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Application Questions and Answers «Binotel»

19 replies
24.02.2021, 12:38
Splicing window of the input dial
Good day. Can you suggest why it is common for all managers to contact each other at that moment, if one of the managers has already received a cal...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
09.02.2021, 22:07
connect service to binotel GetCall Online
I would like to connect the service to binotel GetCall Online - a widget that will make the client on the site lose their phone, so that the manage...
7 replies
09.02.2021, 10:08
Integration with Binotel
Good afternoon! We set up integration with binotel. Calls are fixed on OneBox, but the window does not pop up during the call itself. https://mmtcr...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
08.02.2021, 11:15
Links from the site callback callback
We have integration with Kyivstar and virtual PBX. If the manager presses the phone button from the admin panel, a call to the manager's phone ...
11 replies
03.02.2021, 16:42
Binotel call error
Connected integration with binotel https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/binotel-2/control/ They wrote a letter to the binotel, ...
3 answer
06.01.2021, 18:00
https://www.oki-toki.net/documents/ How many programming hours do you need to synchronize with Oki-Toki telephony? (by analogy, as now with Binotel...
2 answer
30.12.2020, 11:17
Call not saved in comments
Good day. Can you guess why the call was not saved in the comments? Skin stage automated "Add call to comments". Format of the note numbe...
Service 2gis
"I wanted the functionality of automatically creating a card from the contacts of this service when choosing a store object, for example, I wo...
4 answer
Good afternoon. Our Box is integrated with Binotel. But recently, phone numbers have ceased to be identified and pulled up to orders. Calls go as a...