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Возникают сложности в настройке интеграции с телефонией?
Функционал не работает так как нужно?
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Good afternoon. Our Box is integrated with Binotel. But recently, phone numbers have ceased to be identified and pulled up to orders. Calls go as anonymous. Binotel's technical support said that the problem is with boxing
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon, please give examples of events and links to users to which, in your opinion, these events should have been attached.
02.12.2020, 14:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Attached. Here is personal data (it will probably have to be deleted after reading).
02.12.2020, 14:39
Original comment available on version: ru

the vast majority of calls are "not recognized", this is just one example
02.12.2020, 15:16
Original comment available on version: ru

If you look at the numbers more closely, you can see that the numbers in the Binotel are from 097 and in your system from 38097. These are completely different numbers and they need to be brought to the same format with or without 38. This setting will help you /admin/shop/phone_auto_format/ . How to use it is described in the knowledge base "Setting up auto-formatting of telephone numbers" https://prnt.sc/vubvae
02.12.2020, 15:25
Original comment available on version: ru

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