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connect service to binotel GetCall Online

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I would like to connect the service to binotel GetCall Online - a widget that will make the client on the site lose their phone, so that the managers phoned.
Binotel sends a code to insert

Where can you insert code before the /body tag in the admin panel?
Original question is available on version: ru


There is no separate field for the Binotel widget in the online store.
But you can try inserting it through any other integration - for example CloudIM (I don't think it's important to insert it right before the /body closing tag)
10.02.2021, 16:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
Dyakuyu. Widget Binotel connected when I pasted the code in CloudIM.
What needs to be done so that Google tag sends information about conversions to the widget?
Why is it necessary to integrate Binotel and Google tag to Boxing?
11.02.2021, 10:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Gulyaev Oleksandr wrote:
What needs to be done so that Google tag sends information about conversions to the widget?
Why is it necessary to integrate Binotel and Google tag to Boxing?

Probably it is necessary to do the integration between the binotel widget and the tag manager
11.02.2021, 15:49
Original comment available on version: ru

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