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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

Order 972177 is not loaded by API (date of creation 22.10.2020)
Order 972177 is not loaded by API Stop the filter for 5 days so you don't get a great array of data Can you find out if the current orders came...
6 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
09.11.2020, 12:37
The action box_action_universal_export_order_to_api stopped working / Pass the process to the API
Here is the action https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflow/9/procedure/68/?status=0 I launch here on the button https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
06.11.2020, 13:05
correct the action
Action "Pass business process to API" started to fail action is configured here http://crm.swisstrade.com.ua/admin/shop/workflow/16/proce...
5 replies
06.11.2020, 09:21
api/product/get method to add quantity by components to the materialsArray parameter
Good morning! The materialsArray parameter has been improved in the api / product / get method, to issue the components of the product, tell me wha...
Not Loading order By API
Not Loading order By API https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/973034/edit/ api https://rovo.org.ua/api/1c8x/order-get/?login=ros&passwor...
6 replies
03.11.2020, 16:38
api/product/get method
Good afternoon We pick up goods using the api/product/get method Description field (standard product field) - description flies without formatting,...
2 answer
Product field identifiers Size and Weight for transfer via api
Please tell me the field_key identifiers for the standard product fields. We will transfer dimensions and weight from the site to Box via api. The ...
15 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.11.2020, 08:50
After launching the action "Submit business process to API" stupidly hangs for a long time
Here is the process https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/25537/edit/ It has a procedure button https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflow/9/proce...
3 answer
02.11.2020, 08:03
Where can I see the data itself when sending a request "Submit business process to API"? Can't set it up
Colleagues, tell me, on automation "Transfer business process to API". I want to see the very type of data that is generated when sending...
3 answer
29.10.2020, 18:53
No answer for 2 tasks
1. https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/orders/2429-nastroyk-dopolnitelnih-poley-produ... 2. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/orders/2224...