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How to process the response to the request an array in which is wrapped in double brackets [{......}]

The request is passed by the action "Submit the business process to the API"
It is necessary to process the response with an array in which it is wrapped in double brackets: [{......}]
From the array you need to pull out the values of some fields.
Action link https://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/167/action/new/
Now the Field in XML/JSON is specified like this: /data/finished but it doesn't work.
Fields need to be pulled from the data array
Here is the response code from the logs:
[2021-02-23 10:36:39]
host: crm.sportlife.ua
url: /ajax/admin/chat/get/order/
contentID: shop-admin-notification-chart-order-block
point: /shop.starter.php
data: Array
[orderid] => 702
[requestUrl] => https://sl.lucky.fitness/client_tickets
[request] => {"client_id":"8","started":"2021-09-01","ticket_id":"1"}
[response] => {"success":true,"data":[{"id":161,"client_id":8,
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. Probably like this: /data/0/finished . You have an array in an array, so you need a zero element from data
23.02.2021, 12:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you. It worked
23.02.2021, 12:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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