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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.01.2023, 23:17
WHY YOU WANT TO TEST OUR SOFTWARE https://icoloronebox.org.ua/prohramy-dlia-biznesu/free-testing-program/ Take the opportunity to test the software...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.01.2023, 19:54
The sip number is not stored in the contact card
Here: yesenergy.1b.app Here is this contact: /app/contact/2/ I write the phone number of the contact in the sip card, as on the box 1236 I click on...
3 answer
27.12.2022, 14:44
Integration logic with Ringostat telephony
Ringostat telephony was connected. An employee of Ringostat claims that the integration logic was changed by one box some time ago, and it is not k...
4 answer
12.12.2022, 15:47
A bug with the system
Good afternoon, the system is not working correctly. Feeds for external integrations are not generated. Integration with Opencart does not work. Th...
7 replies
30.11.2022, 11:01
There was a problem, when moving a process from group to group, the process disappeared
Congratulations! Had a problem moving a process from group to group, it disappeared. Agreements and the process itself, if an agreement is found, i...
19 replies
26.11.2022, 09:49
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading
Payments from Privat24 (personal card) stopped loading. From the evening of 11/25/22. Cron is running. No one changed the settings, but I checked -...
4 answer
10.11.2022, 18:29
Data transfer from one box to another
Good evening, we are interested in how to transfer all data and system settings from one box to another (business processes, processes, subprocesse...
14 replies
09.11.2022, 04:51
EDIT: take the LAST digits from the additional field of the process
There is an action "write value to additional field", it can cut off N characters from the end of the resulting string need improvement s...
5 replies
After the update, problems with loading prices!!
1). After the latest updates, we have problems with automatic loading of prices (automatic operation once an hour). FORCED AUTOMATION EXECUTION tri...
13 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.09.2022, 13:38
Paying for additional help, Obov'yazki in process
Good afternoon, help the taxpayer to get rid of the goiter with the post-employees. Process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/257642/ 1. In the field of...

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