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11 replies
06.09.2023, 21:18
Customization of the product field
Congratulations! Is it possible to configure the main product field "Divisible" (product.product_divisibility) so that the quantity is a numeri...
4 answer
11.04.2023, 08:31
Bug. Automation
Good day, when you go to automation you can see that there are prescribed automatic actions. But when, for example, you directly switch to automati...
19 replies
03.04.2023, 22:02
CPU load
Greetings, how can there be such a load on the processor? Because of this, the server stops working and does not respond. What is the problem, why ...
The HTML structure of the letter takes off when creating a process from the letter
The following problem arose: customers on the website fill out a form, which then arrives in the form of a letter to the Ukrnet mailbox, which is l...
3 answer
14.11.2022, 10:39
Automatic processes are not created
Good afternoon! On Saturday, the automatic processes stopped happening once a year. So, the leaves for mail to box began to come in large numbers l...
5 replies
29.07.2022, 20:11
Required additional cost Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json)
Required additional cost Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json) є choose brands yakі inappropriately upload but you need to...
6 replies
27.06.2022, 14:52
How to add an item to the queue? in Automatic ""Translate product fields into the specified language""
Є "Automatic dії once a year" "Translate product fields to the specified language" In it, check the box "Update product fi...
in "Automatically once a year" "Universal import of products (xml/json)" tick not loading the filter for the product even in the product already є filter (add the filter only to these products in such stinks empty) how many costs?
in "Automatic once a year" "Universal product import (xml/json)" tick underload the filter to the product even if the product a...
Needed in automation Universal import of products (xml/json)
Needed in automation Universal import of products (xml/json) add the ability to upload on different movs є silk in Ukrainian download in Ukrainian ...
The price of the supplier is lost for Universal import of products (xml/json)
Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json) (esco 05:00) The price of the supplier is lost at least the data for importing is no...

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