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OneBox user forum

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14 replies
07.07.2021, 15:18
OS - Notification Block
In the MVP version, this moment was resolved, but in the OS it appeared again. The notification block should be reduced to a certain height, but m...
7 replies
07.07.2021, 14:03
Names in different languages
Set up integration with Horosop. Products and categories in boxing pulled themselves up. But in Goodhop, the products are given names in different ...
21 answer
07.07.2021, 13:58
Product units
In the business process, there is a table of products, there is "one of the world" How can the field be passed to the external system vi...
4 answer
07.07.2021, 12:33
Another value is pulled into the document template
There is an order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2015467/edit/ It contains a product with the value of the addition...
7 replies
07.07.2021, 12:30
Domain and update on OS
Good day, now there is a store template connected to onebox mvp. I'm updating to the OS Accordingly, there will be no template. You need to put...
7 replies
Error when linking TM Maestro
Hello, I've only encountered a problem with this TM. When linking goods, all goods of this TM pop up. I am attaching screenshots. And so on for...
10 replies
07.07.2021, 11:04
Switch stage when opening from calendar
Good afternoon! https://crm.hlr.ua/ Some employees have a problem in switching process stages for a long time, after a long search for the reason, ...
5 replies
07.07.2021, 09:29
Stopped entering TTN in the registries.
Stopped entering TTN in the registries. Before that, there were a couple of non-visits, for some reason. Yesterday, not one entered at all, and eve...
2015822429 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send a notification by email after the expiration of the date in the additional field of the process product"
For the action "Send an email notification when the date expires in the additional field of the process product", the setting "Run t...
2015819608 - Improved functionality of integration with sms4b
Improved integration functionality with sms4b. Integration functionality: - sending SMS mailings; - sending personal sms to clients; - SMS notifica...