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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

1 answer
04.02.2021, 15:08
supplier price list download
In the database, for example, there are 100 commodity items, when we loaded the price of the supplier, there are the same 100 items, the box update...
1 answer
04.02.2021, 15:03
loading supplier price lists in xml format
Is it possible to upload supplier price lists in xml file format to the box? Do you need any workarounds for this?
3 answer
04.02.2021, 10:43
Formation of the price list takes 90 minutes
There is this report https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ We look at the statistics of work and notice that the price for the outlet...
5 replies
Transfer of Prom payment status from Prom.ua
You need to configure the transfer of the status of the payment method Prom payment https://prnt.sc/y5c1j4 to an additional order field. So that th...
1 answer
How to set up the transfer of commission for an order in Prom.ua to an additional order field?
With the CPA system https://prnt.sc/y5bqwv on Prom.ua, the commission for a specific order is removed from the account. How to make it so that this...
12 replies
Check/Uncheck Supplier Availability in bulk
The client is engaged in household appliances. It is necessary to frequently update the price list (1-2 times a day) with the output of the "a...
3 answer
02.02.2021, 09:34
goods from the supplier toysi and AFK are not unloaded
goods from the supplier toysi b AFK are not unloaded - the application is enabled, the settings are made - the actions are created, the process is ...
6 replies
01.02.2021, 09:34
Hello, you need to set up the unloading of goods on Kasta
2 answer
PROM.UA integration has failed! orders are not being pushed.
we didn't change anything.. problem on your end??
3 answer
29.01.2021, 20:02
Rosette changed api
Good evening, the outlet is changing the api and asking us to change it, we changed it, but they say that boxing still refers to the old one Screen...