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List of related questions and answers «Mail and letter management»

1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
17.11.2022, 16:29
Emails from the drukaryk.com site (old Box) do not arrive in Box OS drukaryk.1b.app/
Emails from the drukaryk.com site (old Box) do not arrive in Box OS drukaryk.1b.app/ Maybe the problem is that the same e-mail is connected to two ...
9 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
10.11.2022, 10:42
Doesn't select address book
Hello! In the automatic action, the list is not displayed in the drop-down list of the address book (or rather, it is displayed as a symbol or an e...
Resending SMS
Good afternoon. We use the command to send SMS - Send SMS notification. http://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflow/14/procedure/54/?status=2 Th...
1 answer
Personal license
13.10.2022, 15:42
Speed up the "Convert Letter to Process" action
Letters from mail (gmail) to the box are converted into processes (action Turn letter into process, automatic action once per minute) with a delay ...
5 replies
20.09.2022, 14:31
Mail.ru connection
Good afternoon, the MVP box is trying to connect mail from mel.ru writes the password is not correct, but the password is suitable for entering un...
6 replies
Personal license
15.09.2022, 17:28
Corporate mail is not connected, error: IMAP: TLS/SSL failure for mail.bestorg.kz: SSL negotiation failed
in the settings as in the instructions, the SSL check is disabled. It is not on the server. Authorization passed through Thunderbird Fail differen...
Export of goods to mail does not work
Export of goods to mail does not work here is an example of export
8 replies
Personal license
09.08.2022, 16:37
All draft versions from gmail are uploaded to OneBox
Good day. When writing a letter from the gmail mail client, all draft versions are uploaded to OneBox. For example, when writing a letter, the draf...
Exports of goods and price lists to the mail stopped coming
Good afternoon. Exports of goods and price lists have stopped coming to the post office, they should come every day. The last time everything worke...
1 answer
27.07.2022, 16:06
mail integration does not work
a letter came to Newdelhi.com.ua IMAP parser Mail Attention! The integration of your OneBox newdelhi.com.ua with the zakaz@newdelhi.com.ua mailbox ...