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List of related questions and answers «Dashboard, KPI, OKR»

4 answer
18.08.2021, 11:13
variables from the reference to the dashboard
Client box https://trackgroup.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ There is such a block in the dashboard it is necessary that variables worked in this field...
3 answer
17.08.2021, 13:26
Dashboard filter not working
There is a dashboard http://crm.enzim.biz/dashboard/?typeView=2&dashboardView=dashboard http://crm.enzim.biz/admin/interface/dashboard/2/ It do...
1 answer
Bug. unable to add rule to KPI
For example here /app/kpi/67/params/ The "Add" button does not work and does not react in any way. Please fix.
12 replies
10.08.2021, 12:14
OS - KPI chart
Here https://rivcont.info/app/dashboard/ There is an excellent "KPI summary table" block, but it is difficult to evaluate the KPI of empl...
40 replies
10.08.2021, 12:05
OS - number of successful calls
There is a KPI application Here it is possible to configure the indicator that counts calls Now it shows the number of successful calls and the nu...
5 replies
Doubling wages.
There is a list of payroll tasks /admin/customorder/zp/?searchLine= The tasks doubled, although KPI does not have the logic of two salaries per mo...
3 answer
Personal license
22.06.2021, 18:01
There were two salary processes
The client got it right, so that KPIs were improved and salary processes were created. Two months passed, everything was good, but on the 16th of t...
4 answer
16.06.2021, 02:26
Re-created payroll processes by KPI
Tonight, salary processes based on KPI were duplicated. Why did this happen? https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/salary/?filternu...
Display and count closed processes
Set up KPI for closing processes on an employee (screenshot) This displays the wrong KPI value In general, the work of the functionality is little ...
1 answer
30.03.2021, 14:25
KPI category graph does not display dates correctly
Good afternoon! Adjusted KPI for categories sold by employee, but chart after current date 30/03 shows 18/03 Please correct Here is the KPI settin...