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List of related questions and answers «Interface»

7 replies
17.09.2020, 14:12
Setting the table display
You can not check the "Save for all users of the system" https://prnt.sc/uiv1nv
2 answer
16.09.2020, 09:59
How to remove the MVP splash screen
Hello! Maybe someone knows how to remove the splash screen "What's new in the section .." for all (individual) users http://joxi.ru/8...
3 answer
15.09.2020, 18:26
Date/time in the system
When will it be possible to choose the display of the Date in processes / or will a beautiful and readable display appear? :)) 2020-09-16 16:20:00 ...
9 replies
15.09.2020, 17:18
the number of tasks is displayed incorrectly in the left menu Bug
after the update, it turned out that the icons for the number of tasks began to load for a very long time up to 1 minute and not all icons are show...
1 answer
15.09.2020, 11:33
New release interface bugs
In the new release, the fields are not clearly highlighted, and in some fields such as phone and email, it’s not at all clear where to poke, you ha...
9 replies
14.09.2020, 17:49
Share Unicode Icons
Please share your collections of Unicode icons, who can.
5 replies
14.09.2020, 14:43
return a function)
Previously, if you click on any part of the field, you could go straight to editing. Now you need to click on the Pencil - not everyone gets there ...
1 answer
12.09.2020, 11:02
Hidden menu items
Opened access rights for the manager for several items But it doesn't have them in the menu on the left: https://prnt.sc/ufjl00 https://prnt.sc...
8 replies
12.09.2020, 10:09
Open search list
Is there or will it be possible, when searching for something, to open a list with values so that you can choose from it? Now, if you don’t remembe...
5 replies
11.09.2020, 15:31
Opened access rights for the manager for several items But he does not have them in the menu on the left - https://prnt.sc/ufjl00 What to do?