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List of related questions and answers «Integrations with messengers»

6 replies
Personal license
13.08.2021, 11:52
OS viber pardon+file
1. viber viber://pa?chatURI=nevhamovni connections https://nevgamovni.crm-onebox.com/app/viber-new/settings/ I accept input requests from the clien...
application integration
good afternoon. unable to set up integration with facebook messenger, gives an error when setting up webhooks
One message received in Messenger is sent to OneBOX multiple times
Good afternoon. I observe the following picture: I sent one test message via Facebook Messenger. Based on it, a business process was successfully c...
3 answer
22.07.2021, 09:34
Vіdpravka Viber povіdomlennya - pardon the record text
Good day! In the "Send Viber notification" section, when the police was sent, do not write down the text in the specified additional fiel...
1 answer
21.07.2021, 11:02
How to set up the transmission of the context in the viber so that the client in the box is pulled up.
I tried different options for passing context=[clientid] but a new client is created with a name that vibere does not pull up by contex
1 answer
20.07.2021, 09:39
OS: Chat bug
For some reason, when automatically turning messages into a chat, it adds both clients and old employees to the chat. How can I disable it so that ...
9 replies
Onebox OS and global search
Good afternoon, we updated to a new box, previously the global search was all that was possible, but now the search is limited or I can’t find its ...
4 answer
14.07.2021, 12:11
Telegram messages not coming
I set up telegram integration yesterday. Checked the "Use webhook to receive messages" checkbox. https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/...
11 replies
finish Viber client
and what stops the creation of not a bot, but a viber client? others already have... https://youtu.be/LR6Vmi104yI
Stopped receiving messages from fb messenger
Messages from the FB messenger stopped coming to the "Single Chat" of the vanbox. https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/messenger-cha...