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List of related questions and answers «Integration with telephony services»

Popup not working
Good afternoon Set up integration with binotel https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/binotel-1/ calls, statuses and audio recordings are transmitted popup ...
6 replies
14.07.2022, 16:56
Error - Call contact
Gives an incomprehensible error when trying to call a contact through the application. Can you tell me what is causing this and how can I fix it so...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
14.07.2022, 12:07
OS, not showing up
Good day, Zranku at the vіknі dzvіnka zamіt Іmenі that Prіzvishcha it appears as a symbol. Correct be kind. Screenshot
4 answer
14.07.2022, 11:47
Is it possible to set up integration with Asterisk 16 telephony
The client has a separate gateway into which SIM cards are inserted, there is also a separate server on which the IP-PBX FreePBX is deployed. It is...
4 answer
04.07.2022, 16:25
104 Wrong data
made telephony settings. At first it worked, but the next day it gave an error. Tech. Binotel support replied: "Hello! 104 Wrong data - you re...
6 replies
22.06.2022, 15:05
Error when making a call through Binotel
When you click on the phone number, an error occurs, as in the screenshot
6 replies
28.05.2022, 14:30
OS call popup
Hello! In the OS, it became impossible to go from the pop-up window of the call to the contact card. Is this a bug? Or did you finally decide to ma...
3 answer
27.05.2022, 10:40
Question - Does not pull up the source
We receive a call. A pop-up window opens, clicks from there to create a process. But the source is not pulled up. What could be the reason?
3 answer
26.05.2022, 22:52
Robot OneBox i asterisk
Complete integration with ATS, Asterisk module. There are not a lot of managers on the server, who cannot be seen in the system, it is necessary to...
18 replies
26.05.2022, 12:24
How can I delete the 'Calls' folder?
Good afternoon, where do the calls come from in the "calls" folder in the file directory? How to turn off this function and delete the fo...