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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.08.2022, 18:07
The names of the goods, the company's deputy "Kavichok" have changed quot
Axis so, like on the screen 1292 Task from the workshop on the initial platform: https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/705/ In the OneBoxes of the pa...
2 answer
15.08.2022, 14:31
In the "Show Interactive Window" action, add the ability to execute a procedure
Good afternoon! You can make it so that in the "Show interactive window" action you can insert buttons to perform the procedure, similar ...
2 answer
11.08.2022, 13:28
Disappears notification after switching stage
We have encountered a problem that we brought to your attention before, but now the switching functionality causes some inconvenience in work. Plea...
2 answer
08.08.2022, 11:51
"Show interactive window" from procedure not working
Can you please tell me why the interactive window does not open if it is hung in a procedure?
2 answer
08.08.2022, 11:41
Question about the "Show interactive window" action
Tell me, is it possible to make this window appear after clicking the transition to the next. stage, but so that the stage does not switch. And onl...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.08.2022, 19:19
How to copy the phone from the Task Client card to the process phone
Є task i in nіy є Client at the card of whatever my phone is, variable user.user_phone We removed the order from the site, the phone number of the ...
21 answer
04.08.2022, 15:44
Add goods from the selected warehouse in real quantity to the process
Good afternoon. There is a need in the process to add products that are available in the selected warehouse. At the same time, it should be possibl...
3 answer
29.07.2022, 12:24
We improved the interface
BP https://grimaxgroup.1b.app/app/workflow/12/constructor/ At various stages, we have built our own interface. Yesterday it looked correct. Today&#...
2 answer
28.07.2022, 16:03
Problem with the action Replace the product with its analogues, setting Run the action for all processes
Good afternoon We did the revision here https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/13897-deystvie-zamenit-produkt-na-ego... An...
I'm creating a subprocess for some big sum for another client (not the one in the Batkiv process). But in the Batkiv process "Zobov`yazann...