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Application Questions and Answers «Server load control panel»

cron not working
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Everything hung! Cron does not work, orders are not automatically transferred anywhere, new ones do not arrive. D...
1 answer
Personal license
27.10.2022, 13:17
the hour crown stopped working
from 10 o'clock the hourly crown does not work. please run: https://znaide.1b.app/app/system-statistic/
2 answer
20.10.2022, 12:03
How long does a frozen box keep?
Actually the question is already in the title. How long does a frozen box keep? Don't want to lose him. Thank you!
Boxing has stopped since the morning
Good morning Is this a problem with our server or something else?
1 answer
Error "Probably out of disk space"
Since yesterday evening, when moving to different stages, different people on different PCs randomly get this error Also, with some actions, VanBo...
11 replies
13.10.2022, 09:37
on the server, increase the Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded parameter
Good afternoon There is a problem with opening the Balance report, information is not loaded and goes into error A4%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%80%D...
3 answer
12.10.2022, 10:42
Periodic freezing of the resource, incl. online store website
Good afternoon For the last 4 weeks, we have had a problem with the site periodically freezing and the load on the server jumping up to 150%+, some...
1 answer
Orders do not fall from the prom, most likely Cron does not work
https://admin.uatech.pro/ orders do not drop from prom orders do not move by statuses that should automatically move and the system is very laggin...
1 answer
Doesn't process minute cron
Please help, in CRM onebox.leokor.com.ua stopped working out minute kroner
11 replies
add disk space
The disk space is running out, but there is still enough space on the server. For some reason, when creating the box, they mounted 30 GB, although ...