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Application Questions and Answers «Rozetka»

Rozetka delivery
Does your Rozetka delivery app work with Rozetka delivery? Are they some different things?
Statuses in boxing have stopped changing
Good afternoon. 4 days ago, statuses in the box stopped changing, when the status changed in Rozetka, and when delivered to the Rozetka department....
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
20.11.2023, 10:59
When we switch to the Completed stage in the Box, the stage in the Socket cabinet does not switch
Other stages are switched. The action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API" is available Perhaps the problem is in the language. In Rosetka's...
5 replies
24.07.2023, 15:46
Rozetka XML application does not display all brands
The Rozetka XML application does not display all brands. Now I can't choose the brand I need https://our-store.com.ua/app/priceplace-rozetka/4/sett...
Import orders from outlet (fulfillment)
Good afternoon There are orders that arrive through the fulfillment system from the outlet for some reason they come without contact details (only ...
1 answer
The integration with the Socket stopped working after switching to the OS version
The first day everything worked (all settings were from the old version). Then the integration stopped working. When going to the settings, an erro...
3 answer
24.05.2023, 11:24
Explain the structure of the directory "Values of filters of categories Socket" (because there are disagreements with the logic in the socket cabinet)
The system has a directory "Rozetka filter values" that works on the basis of automation "Rozetka category filter values" And here there is a cer...
1 answer
20.04.2023, 16:16
In the automation Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) we write a bracket in the name of the parameter, but there is no bracket in XML
That is, in the settings, we indicate that the system adds a new parameter to the file Its name is "Sklad (Ukrainian)", but for some reason the par...
1 answer
30.03.2023, 19:08
If the created directory has automation related to Rozetka, how are the directories updated?
Created manuals with automation: Rozetka category filters Value of Rozetka category filters And here is the question: 1. When will these directorie...
Orders do not come from the outlet
We did the re-registration of the store on Rozetka, the personal account has changed. The login and password have been changed in the integration s...