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Application Questions and Answers «Rozetka.ua»

4 answer
21.07.2022, 16:08
Integration with Rozetka does not work
As of today (00:00), orders from the Outlet to the box have stopped being transferred. You cannot update the order status of a valid order. Changed...
4 answer
12.07.2022, 13:44
Evaluate the revision
Congratulations! In the automatic action once per minute "Import orders from Rozetka Seller API", you need to add 2 fields for export fro...
3 answer
21.06.2022, 12:49
XML product upload error
Hello. I got an error in the filter file, but I can't figure out which one. Can you help? https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/priceplace-roz...
5 replies
Outlet order commission - estimate
There is a setting in the promo "a field in which to receive a commission" can you do the same for the outlet? So that when creating an o...
6 replies
Personal license
18.05.2022, 17:41
Export of kits to Rozetka
Good day! What is the possibility of transferring the complete set of goods to Rozetka to "Skladovih goods"? API for this є: https://api-...
The socket does not see the added new products
DD! Added new products for unloading to the outlet. Specialists from the outlet do not see them. Previously unloaded products are not visible
Orders do not come from Rozetka
Good afternoon. Orders stopped coming from the Rozetka marketplace to Box. How to solve this problem?
Stages do not switch on socket
Here is the order This is how the conditions for the transition through the stages of th...
6 replies
complete the import of the delivery note number from the socket as a separate action
you can complete a separate action for the business process to transfer the TN from the outlet necessary - flag for prohibiting the transition to t...
The number of goods in the warehouse to transfer to the outlet
How to choose from which warehouse the quantity of goods transferred to the outlet will be taken? in automation, I found only one option, the numb...