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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

2 answer
how to DO NOT upload category description when uploading categories
Uploading to Opencart is configured in automation processes Question: Is it possible to not unload category descriptions when uploading categories...
5 replies
11.01.2023, 18:07
The translation that is made by the module is overwritten
Integration with OpenCart was made, after which a module for translating names, descriptions, characteristics, and other test information of goods ...
Integration files for Opencart 4
I want to create a new site on opencart version 4 tell me if there are already files for integration for Opencart 4?
6 replies
28.12.2022, 17:18
Takes a long time to import product images from Opencart
Image imports are specified in hourly action. In MVP, images were loaded with such frequency. In OS, images are loaded once a day. Please fix it - ...
2 answer
21.12.2022, 14:05
Orders are not imported
Import orders via API from Opencart stopped working crm.medi.org.ua
Automation for unloading goods on opencart does not start
Here is the setting https://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart-1/ it doesn't work until you go into automation and click "force start" why can we be like this?
4 answer
12.12.2022, 15:47
A bug with the system
Good afternoon, the system is not working correctly. Feeds for external integrations are not generated. Integration with Opencart does not work. Th...
1 answer
05.12.2022, 18:39
Clean up photos on opencart (in the database)
On the project http://sara.1box.link for integration https://sara.1box.link/app/opencart-1/ you need to delete all photos on opencart so that you c...
10 replies
When deleting products, the images are also deleted?
In automation there is such an item: Remove products from Opencart that are removed from OneBox When deleting these products on the site from openc...
1 answer
uploading images by directory
Good evening. We have about 15 thousand products with images in the OneBox database, which are synchronized with the online store on opencart. By d...