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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

3 answer
03.06.2022, 18:59
sync file
Please send the file for synchronization with OcStore 3.0.2
transferred a strange product category from opencart
Here is the item http://akmp.com.ua/app/product/13140/edit/ he booted from opencart - everything is fine, but the category is not correct and it is...
5 replies
does not load "link to the manufacturer's website"
Here is the setting for importing products from opencart http://akmp.com.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ There are 3 import settings fields The i...
4 answer
27.05.2022, 21:30
Brands are not correctly transferred to Opencart
Hello. In some products that do not match brands on the opencart, for example, the product in the box with the airon brand https://cabinet.tehnolav...
2 answer
27.05.2022, 09:09
Products are not exported to Opencart
Hello. Set automatic action Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB), but it doesn't work. More than 12 hours ha...
Meta tags on opencart are not indulged (2 languages)
Here is a product (example) https://artkopilka.net.ua/index.php?route=product/product&path=117_1339_52&a... Here he is in sr...
10 replies
23.05.2022, 12:57
Do not take advantage of products from OpenCart
Do not take advantage of products from OpenCart
38 replies
20.05.2022, 16:36
Need improvements on import/export of OpenCart users
Improvements: 1. Action Export Users to Opencart. The status of the exported contact in opencart should be Enabled, Approved=Yes, and the date of a...
15 replies
does not convey the Ukrainian meaning of the name
Here is the integration http://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart-1/settings/ Here is the export setting http://akmp.com.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ He...
How to betray the name in 2 languages?
There is a task: - transfer description and title in Ukrainian and Russian to opencart If you connect multilingual, it is not very convenient to sw...