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Application Questions and Answers «OneBox Network»

6 replies
OS - Synchronization of comments only visible to the client
We are testing the work of Onebox Network, in particular, the synchronization of processes. Now I see the moment that all comments get into the cli...
The certificate for the domain https://aquaimport.onebox-system.com/cc/ has expired
Tell me how it is possible to transfer our box to another domain, because. the current one is hard for us to control. Due to problems with the cert...
1 answer
Synchronization with onebox support does not work
Good afternoon, all tickets created through applications are not synchronized
15 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.07.2021, 10:35
How to overwrite an existing business process
In the MVP version, using the json export / import function of business process designs, we can transfer our design to another OneBox and WRITE it ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.07.2021, 15:26
OneBox not syncing
There is my system and in it the task is: https://URL of my OneBox/admin/customorder/ibp/6124/edit/ here at this stage https://URL of my OneBox/adm...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.06.2021, 18:45
Onebox network is only in OS - how to synchronize tasks?
1) Will the old actions work if you put them in mvp and try to synchronize the task in the OS? 2) If you switch to OS - old-style synchronization w...
1 answer
24.05.2021, 09:07
OneBox app
Hello, I have downloaded the app for my iphone. asks to give access to the location question: is it necessary to give access before authorization?
3 answer
19.05.2021, 13:49
onebox os and built-in online store
After the release of onebox os, the built-in online store will be separated into a separate application, as I understand it. Will it be possible to...
2 answer
12.05.2021, 18:51
Can't login to OneBox, throws an error
when trying to enter OneBox http://tryalia.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ gives an error Different each time: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, INET_E_RESOURCE_...
3 answer
21.03.2021, 23:04
Simultaneous authorization in Desktop and Mobile
How to make sure that if a user logs into mobile phones, he is not thrown out of the Desktop. And set.