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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015935948 - Added to the task "Start automatic product automation"
Added a new task once a day "Start automatic product automation"
2015936428 - Added functionality to call for warehouse
Added the ability to enter the process product field in the warehouse window
2015936364 - Added field to /api/storage-balance/get/
Added the ability to pass 'barcode' to /api/storage-balance/get/.
1 answer
29.08.2022, 18:10
Problem accessing the app
stellar.crm-onebox.com It is not possible to enter the program since the evening of August 25, 22. No employee can enter his office. Logins and pas...
3 answer
29.08.2022, 18:08
Synchronization with OneBox Production on OneBox Network
We want to start using our partner box https://salesbureau.1b.app/ and set tasks for bugs, consultations and improvements not through the chat, but...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
29.08.2022, 15:00
The amount of incoming payments in the client's card
Good day, Let's say, the amount of incoming payments from the client's card is taken, at once in the card the amount of incoming payments b...
1 answer
29.08.2022, 14:03
Price / average price in stock.
Hello, Please help me understand the theory of the purchase price of goods in stock. There is a product, it is credited in the warehouse in the amo...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.08.2022, 14:01
TTN return shipping
The task is We have a turn in the name of the Client, who is guided by the request. It is necessary to create TTN on the turn. At zamovlennі, if th...
6 replies
Regarding access level 1b
Why did 1b make changes, without taking into account the opinion of customers, regarding the definition of the level of customer access to their 1b...
4 answer
29.08.2022, 12:18
Automatic creation of tasks by day of the week
It's a strange question, but I can't find it =)) The author himself can't find his own automation))) Which action to automatically crea...