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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
31.08.2022, 10:54
Payment / delivery methods do not search by external id
rivcont.info - On the cs-cart side, there is one payment method with id 33, which is available in two languages (ua, ru). - In the box, the ru vers...
9 replies
31.08.2022, 10:06
Pardon Binotel API
When pressing on the phone number, a pardon is issued, tied to the API. In the integration, the key and the password are correct. The caller may ha...
6 replies
31.08.2022, 09:16
Removed photos when clearing the history of product changes
Here are the goods https://sara.1box.link/app/product/?categoryid=1083 They had pictures, took advantage of this action https://sara.1box.link/app/...
3 answer
31.08.2022, 08:25
You need to install an auto-renewal ssl certificate
Here is my box https://practik.crm-onebox.com/ You can bill immediately
2015936676 - Updated in the "Import processes from opencart" section
For dії "Import processes from opencart" added the setting "Cheat when asking for deleted processes"
2015935775 - New Google Map added
Added a new task "Decode the address in the google map and write the components of the additional fields to the process"
2015936144 - Added the closure in the import section of payments for private
For the "Privat 24 Account card for physical education" account, the ability to import only input payments has been added.
1 answer
30.08.2022, 21:51
OS custom field names in the process list
there is a need for the client to rename the column names in the list of processes. primarily interested in the fields Name and Parent Process http...
2 answer
30.08.2022, 20:22
The "login with login and password" button has disappeared
Go to https://rivcont.info/desktop/ The "login to OneBox using login and password" button has disappeared. The "create and close&qu...
0 replies
30.08.2022, 18:14
OneBox OS:Industry CRM-ERP system configuration for large and medium-sized industrial enterprises.
The Astelit Group company offers the implementation of the CRM-ERP configuration of the OneBox OS:Industry system for large and medium-sized indust...