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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
MVP incorrect numbers on one line in sales report
Hello! I make a report: https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua/admin/shop/report/sales/?filtermanagerid=25&a...
3 answer
09.09.2022, 17:15
OS preview of scanned copies of documents No preview available
clients upload scanned copies of documents and when trying to view the result No preview available example https://swn.1b.app/app/document/1/contro...
1 answer
09.09.2022, 12:18
Evaluate the finalization of the payment binding
When choosing a process, the system prompts when you click on a field in the table you need to evaluate the revision so that it also happens when ...
10 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.09.2022, 12:12
In the process, the postal manager needs to check the status of the client’s confirmation for products
Good day, Є engagement of the postal worker, de product of communication with the engagement of the client. It is necessary to write down the statu...
5 replies
Альфа шина Руководитель интернет проекта
09.09.2022, 11:37
Transfer to another hosting
Good afternoon, tell me, we want to place the program on our server from the Digital Ocean service, maybe we need to pay attention to something, we...
2 answer
09.09.2022, 09:16
Lying CPM / blank screen
23 answer
09.09.2022, 00:18
Improve phone number validator
Here in the ordering https://chekhol.com.ua/basket/ There should be such alerts if the phone number is invalid (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3). It is also...
2015937777 - Added additional value display in progress
When entering in the additional process field with the type "Contact Adviser", the value was previously displayed as the id of the contac...
2015938211 - Updated in the "Integration of business processes XML (Import)"
For the "Integration of XML business processes (Import)" task, the "Additional field for searching the product process" was added
We are looking for a crm customizer for a travel agency
We need a contractor who can set up a system for a travel agency + support at the stages of company development